Opportunity to work with diocese
Networking with various people
Noble mission
Reach out to many people
Sharpening of administrative skills
Knowledge enhancing
Job Satisfaction
St Luke’s Hospital – Aulia
Vishwas – Indore
Vishwas – Khandwa
St Francis Hospital – Indore
IGA (Income Generation Activity) for needy PLHIV.
Collaboration with other NGOs.
Job Placement.
Awareness program.
Community based testing.
SHG (Self Help Group).
Drug adherence 90%
Reduced discrimination -95%
Reduced rate of infection.
Acknowledgement for dedicated services.
Systematic planning and implementation.
Increase in lay collaboration and linkages.
The Mission Congregation of the Sisters servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS), is a religious missionary congregation, founded by St Arnold Janssen, SVD in Steyl in Netherlands read more