SSPS INDIA CENTRAL The Mission Congregation of the Sisters servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS), is a religious missionary congregation, founded by St Arnold Janssen, SVD in Steyl in Netherlands EXPLORE SSPS INDIA CENTRAL We, the missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit of Divine Word Province India East, commit ourselves to widening the circle of communion by being open to continuous transformation to build a just and wholesome society with a special focus on the marginalized and the excluded.

Our Story Continues...

6th February 1933 marked the arrival of the first SSpS to India with the mission of spreading love, compassion, peace and joy to all. Under the shadow of the world war II,despite the restrictions and drawbacks, the foundation laid by the hard work of the missionaries in the years prior to the World War II, and their indomitable missionary spirt moved them forward to set free the downtrodden, heal the sick, pastor the lost, to animate those in the periphery, to educate the illiterate, and to communicate the gospel values to people of good will.


"St. Arnold Janssen"


Sr. Jaisa Antony SSpS

Social Work/Leadership