Inter Province Assembly (Indore)
Inter Province Assembly (Indore)

On the basis of the 14th General Chapter Directives of our congregation, an attempt is made to incorporate all the JPIC related programs and activities within the frame work of Congregation and Province Priorities.
Management of our human resources with respect, dignity and giving them fair wages.
Assisting to get justice for girls and women who are physically harassed.
Collaborating with other organizations who work for promoting peace and justice.
Tree plantation
Create awareness about constitutional rights and duties among sisters and in our mission
Make JPIC – a way of life for all members of the province
Network with SVDs, other religious Congregations, Dioceses, NGOs, and GOs.
protest for the rights of Dalit Christians at Delhi through VIVAT INDIA and other Christian denominations
VIVAT National Consultation on Migration in Bangalore
VIVAT workshop on migration in Indore for INC members of SSpS & SVD
VIVAT International workshop on mining, Advocacy & Lobbying in Jharsuguda.